Glass, Ceramics and Cements
Glass, ceramic and cement industry uses technologies and gas in different processes, starting from raw materials melting units, to homogenization and refining after melting, up to cutting and polishing of final products.
Oxy-fuel technologies can be used to boost up production of Glass or Cement and to extend Glass melting furnace life. Large amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen which create a continuous protective and inert gas are used during the float glass production process. Acetylene is used to produce carbon lubricants on containers forming moulds. Hydrogen flames to polishing glasses and argon to improve glazing thermal insulation are some of the technologies SOL propose to their customers.
Ceramic fries, suitable for glazing and decoration of ceramic tiles, are melted into furnaces equipped with SOLmet systems to reduce environmental impacts of production and to heat-up at the right temperature raw materials.

Some of the proposed technologies are:
Oxy-fuel burners
SOLmet burners specifically developed by SOL’s combustion technologies specialists, exploits the injection of “flat flame” to boost glass furnace production, by guarantee the best safety and efficiency standards and avoiding direct molten glass burning. Over-oxygenation of combustion air can remove cement furnace bottleneck and can allow utilization of low-quality fuels.
Zero-port boosting
Specialized SOLmet application using oxygen lances are designed to supply the oxygen necessary to extend furnace life up to several months before refurbishing. This is a tailor-made solution, designed specifically for your furnace.
Onsite Production Technologies
HydroSOL, NitroSOL and OxySOL to make available medium to large quantities of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen by producing it at the customer sit. This helps in reducing the transport cost of the gases and reduces the total cost.
Carbon Black layers:
Acetylene fed SOLmet burners are used to produce carbon black layers by injecting acetylene and low- oxygen flame into glass containers moulds.
Cryo-cooling of special concrete can keep constant the water content from concrete production site up to utilization site
Wastewater Treatment:
Use of oxygen to revamp the basins in the water treatment solution (ECOJET) helps in increasing the dissolved oxygen content. This leads to better treatment and reduction BOD and COD content in water.
Solutions with use of Ozone for deodorization and advanced water treatment is also provided by SOL through technological partners.