SOLMET – Non Ferrous Metals
SOL is a leading European supplier of industrial gases for lead and copper industries, with references that range from gases and equipment to process consulting and services. Through the wide experience and technical know-how of SOL, SOL India is able to support non ferrous industry in their process, from melting, to refining extrusion and annealing, so as to create added value and increased efficiency.

Non-ferrous melting:
In today’s competitive world, non-ferrous producers are continuously looking for improving their performance and reducing their environmental impact both in primary and secondary plants, where scrap and acid lead spent batteries are processed. SOL India expertise is always close to the customer’s needs, is focussed, in co-operation with SOL group partners, on the development and supply of SOLMET technology, the most updated combustion technology tailored to your needs.
The SOLMET technology uses oxygen to enhance the combustion process with the improvement of efficiencies :
- increased production up to 25%, depending on charged scrap and furnace type;
- improved management of the dirty scraps (grids and poles, cable, paste, ...), with the possibility of an afterburner phase;
- reduced waste gas up to 70 %, depending on charged scrap and furnace type;
- fuel savings up to 50 %, depending on the type of furnace.
On this basis, SOL India proposes, together with its partners, a complete service, based on local support through global expertise, which includes:
- Furnace and afterburner design recommendation (Furnace type, a metal stirring device, burner placement, …);
- SOLMET combustion system (Burners, Electric control system, Flow control systems, …).
- Installation and start-up services, including process optimization and worker’s training.
- After sales services including spare parts, furnace audit, flue gas analysis and combustion plant maintenance.
SOLMET combustion system has been applied to every type of furnace (single-pass rotary, double-pass rotary, tilting rotary, basin furnace, anode furnace, shaft furnaces, …) and could be applied also to your furnace:
- SOLMET Combustion flow control systems including oxy-oil, oxy-gas and dual fuel, which can be tailor to meet your specific requirements, thus giving flexibility without affecting the benefit of pre-engineered systems like a proven design, lower capital investment and faster delivery.
- SOLMET melter process control systems, which includes also the afterburning control. The SOLMET process control board is a PLC-based system structure which ensures component reliability, flexible software package and includes a user-friendly operation software package. It’s possible, as optional, to develop, together with the furnace supplier, a SOLMET supervision program that allows the complete control of the melting shop to improve the plant managing.
- SOLMET High efficient lances and burners, including oxy-gas, oxy-oil, dual fuel and air-oxy-gas both oxygen and water cooled design. The SOL group experience, supported by mathematical modeling, allows us to choose the best lance and burner designs and configurations for our customers.
- SOLMET burner cooling system, which is designed to assure the burner cooling without problems of limestone problems and to minimize the burner maintenance.

On the basin furnaces the gas stirring :
- improves the thermo-chemical homogeneity of the bath.
- reduces the degassing time and the inclusions.
- reduces the metal losses and the specific energy consumption.
The gas purging improves the quality of the final product by degassing, removing the undesirable hydrogen and inclusions. The SOL group expertise can support you to define the best degassing technology and the most suitable degassing gas ( inert or active ).

In the production of soft lead, the removal of antimony is a time-consuming procedure which could be improved with the SOLMET lances.
The bubbling of an air-oxygen mixture reduces the processing time to reach the correct antimony concentration in the refinery kettle.
The SOL group has developed many services to support the non-ferrous producers :
- SOLMET ladle preheating station to increase the ladle temperature.
- Safe supply with the telemetric control and automatic refilling of the cryogenic storages.
- On-site supply with the complete managing of the on-site unit to assure the technical gas delivery.
- Supply and Maintenance of the cryogenic storages and of the technical gas pipeline.
- Worker’s training on safe use of technical gases.